Business Management & International Relations

The MA Business Management and International Relations degree studied at the University of Aberdeen is a perfect pairing, setting your solid grounding in business, management and organisations in the wide context of world events. This programme will improve your understanding of how organisations, states and governments interact against a constantly changing global and economic scene. This programme will give you an added international dimension to your excellent career prospects.

Why this programme?

  • Study at a top UK University for Business and Management (11th) in the most recent major league tables (The Complete University Guide 2021).
  • In Business Management, you will gain a wide perspective and thorough grounding in all areas of business, including skills in accountancy and statistics.
  • International Relations will set this in the context of our fast-moving world, as you study how organisations work, how states interact, what creates global wealth and poverty and why we have inequality, and the ever-present concerns of conflict and peace.
  • You will be taught by internationally renowned academics with strong track records in publishing international papers and articles and who appear regularly in the media, analysing and explaining world events from the viewpoint of their own area of expertise and research.


You will gain the perfect foundation to add international career possibilities to your appeal to employers in all sectors with options in:

  • Local and national government
  • Politics
  • Journalism
  • International development.

Entry Requirements

  • 70% or above in the Thanawiyah or
  • 5 passes at C or above in IGCSE and 2 AS passes at C or above or
  • Equivalent qualifications as per our Admissions protocol
  • Proof of English language at IELTS 5.5 or above (minimum 5.0 in all sections) or equivalent qualification*


  • The tuition fee for entry in September 2020 is 89,000 QR per year.
  • Tuition fees are fixed at the point of entry so there is no annual increase for returning students.
  • Flexible payments are available.